dimarts, 9 de juny del 2015


Ja tenim aqui la nova revista de l'escola Sant Nicolau feta per els alumnes de 4rt ESO: Arnau Aguilar, Ginesta Basart, Pere Bigorra i Pere Vilà

dimarts, 26 de maig del 2015

Royal Baby

The princess, who is fourth in line to the throne, was born on Saturday at London's St Mary's Hospital, weighing 8lbs 3oz (3.7kg).


6- Què vol dir Codi Font?
En Informàtica, codi font es refereix a una sèrie d'instruccions escrites en algun llenguatge de programació llegible per l'home.
En general, quan es parla del codi font corresponent a un programa o aplicació informàtica, hom es refereix al conjunt de fitxers amb les instruccions necessàries per fer funcionar aquest programa. Aquests fitxers es poden guardar en diferents suports, com paper o cinta magnètica, però habitualment s'emmagatzemen a la memòria de l'ordinador, al seu disc dur o algun altre tipus de suport permanent. Un cop el codi font és disponible a l'ordinador, es pot convertir en un fitxer executable mitjançant un compilador, o bé es pot executar de diferent manera amb un intèrpret, depenent del tipus de llenguatge utilitzat.
Quants tipus coneixes?

El codi obert, el codi lliure i el comercial

Què signifiquen les sigles WCAG?

Web Content Accessibility Guidelines, o  Pautes de Accesibilitat per al Contingut Web.

7- Linoit:

8- Què és una aplicació Android? En coneixes alguna?

És un sistema operatiu disenyat per mobils amb pantalla táctil, tablets i smartphones. També per a rellotges intel·ligents, televisors i cotxes. Va ser desenvolupat per Andriod.inc i respatllat per google, que ho va comprar més tard.
Algunes apps són: Whatsapp, Twitter, YouTube, Candy Crush, etc

9- Animoto:

dimarts, 28 d’abril del 2015

Maite's Travel

Leave 12 june – Comeback 15 june

To arrive at the airport you will be traveling with Renfe with the lane T2.

You leave from Barcelona at 18:40 and you arrive London at 20:10.
The price of the ticket will be 35 € and you will be flying with the company Ryanair


Once you arrive at London you will be staying in the Hostal Equity Point London just for 45€ night.


Once you stay there you wilol visit the city with the Total London Experience for  147€


dimarts, 21 d’abril del 2015

W3Schools CSS Image Transparency Tutorial

Go to the page --> http://www.w3schools.com/


4. Relaciona les sigles d'aquesta taula sobre estàndards a Internet amb el nom en anglès, la traducció en català i la definició corresponents:

1. HTTP - B. hypertext transfer protocol - d) protocol de transferència d'hipertext - 5) Llenguatge en què s'escriuen els documents als quals s'accedeix mitjançant els navegadors WWW. Admet components d'hipertext i multimèdia.

2. HTML - E. hypertext markup language - b) llenguatge d'etiquetatge d'hipertext - 1) Protocol de comunicacions utilitzat pels programes client i servidor del WWW per comunicar-se entre si.

3. IP - C. Internet protocol - c) protocol d'Internet - 4) Adreça mitjançant la qual s'identifica cada ordinador que està connectat a Internet.

4. TCP - A. transmission control protocol - a) protocol de control de transmissió - 2) Regles establertes en la transmissió d'informació entre ordinadors que garanteixen que les dades seran transferides sense errors i en el mateix ordre en què es van transmetre.

5. URL - D. uniform resource locator - e) localitzador uniforme de recursos - 3) Sèrie de caràcters estandaritzats que s'utilitzen per anomenar recursos a la xarxa.


2. Organismes que promouen el Web

Els webs que trobaràs a l'adreça:  http://www.w3schools.com/ corresponen a entitats que potencien l'accessibilitat web a totes les persones. Entra en un i explica la informació més significativa que conté: qui l'ha creat i qui la dirigeix, objectius, ubicació, etc.

- CSS significa Cascading Style Sheets
- CSS defineix com es mostraran els elements HTML
- CSS estalvia molta feina
- En arxius CSS s'emmagatzemen fulls d'estil extern
- Håkon Wium Lie --> creador de les CSS

RESPON pg.63

Pàgina 63

2- Respon les preguntes següents:

a) Què és el que es coneix com a Web?

- El conjunt de totes les pàgines web.

b) Què significa que una web és accessible?

- capacitat de totes les persones d'accedir al Web i als seus continguts, de manera fàcil.

c) A què es dedica el W3C?

-S'encarrega de promoure l'accessibilitat web.

d) Per a què serveixen els estàndards web?

-Recomenacions o models que indiquen que s'han de seguir perquè les pàgines web puguin arribar a tothom sense problemes.

RESPON pg. 62

1- Busca informació a Internet i respon les qüestions següents:

a) Per a què serveix el protocol TCP/IP?

- Perquè permet que un equip es pugui conectar a una red.

b) El protocol TCP, és maquinari o programari?

-És programari.

c)Resumeix breument el funcionament del protocol TCP.

-Conjunt de regles establertes en la transmissió d'informació entre ordinadors que garanteixen que les dades seran transferides sense errors i en el mateix ordre en què van ser transmeses.

d) Hi ha altres protocols, a més del TCP/IP?


dimarts, 3 de març del 2015


Forums: Networking sites where people can express their opinion about something determinate.
Social Networking Sites: spaces in the web where you can chat with your friends and contact with everyone. You can see pictures, videos, links about them, comment it and like it or not.

Facebook: it’s a free social networking site, probably the most used by the people. Mark Zuckenberg was the inventor of Facebook. People post photos, comments, videos and links in it, and the contacts (or friends) can say whether they like what is posted or not and they can also leave a comment. 
Twitter: it’s a social networking site used to comment photos and what people say. The logo is a blue bird, because the sound of a bird is a “twit”, like the comments in this networking site. 
Slideshare: it’s a space in Internet where you can share presentations with your contacts. You can upload your power point presentations so that other people can see what you’ve done.
Pinterest: it’s a space in internet were you can stick photos of whatever you like in different “tables”. Their friends can comment the “tables” and say if they like it or not. 


Search in the websites provided and tell me who was who in Henry VIII's life.

Name :
Fate :
Children :
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Children :
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Fate :
Children :
Wife Number :
Name :
Fate :
Children :
Wife Number :
Name :
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Children :
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2. Why did Henry VIII marry so many women ?
Henry VII first married Catherine of Aragon, but they get divorced because he fall in love with another lady, Anne Boleyn who was executed in the Tower of London because she couldn't give Henry a male son. Then he married Jane Saymour. Unfortunately, she died just two weeks after her son was born. So Henry decided to get married again. Anne of Cleves was the next, but they got divorced the same year they got married. Sixteen days after he was free of Anne, Henry took his fifth wife, Kathryn Howard. She was executed, accused of infidelity. Finally, he married Katherin Parr, who ended windowing from Henry VII.
3. Imagine you could go back in time and become Henry VIII.
What would you have done in such circumstances ?
Debate what he should or shouldn't have done. Afterwards, write an essay expressing on opinion on the issue.
In Tudor times the City was the centre of trade and commerce as well as the overcrowded home of thousands. Westminster housed both the king and parliament while Southwark was devoted to louche pleasures such as bear-baiting, prostitution and the theatre. These three distinct areas were surrounded by countryside.Find out a bit more about the London where both Elizabeth and Shakespeare lived.
Identify the places shown in the next pictures of Tudor London
View of London by J.C. Visscher, from Londinum Florentiss[i]ma Britanniae Urbs, 1616
The Guildhall Library, Corporation of London
London in 1616 by Claes Van Visscher

The Guildhall Library, Corporation of London
After reading the website below, fill in the gaps in the following text about Tudor London .

Tudor London can be described as a _prosperous_ city during the Tudor dynasty. In fact, the population increased from _75 000_ inhabitants with Henry VII to _200 000_ at the end of the 16th century.
The Tudor monarchs had a royal residence in London called _Whitehall Palace_ and another in the countryside,called _Hampton Court_, after _Cardinal Wolsey_ gave it to Henry VIII.These Tudor kings and queens used what are now famous parks , such as _Richmond Park_ or _Hyde Park_, as Royal hunting forests.
Not many Tudor buildings survive today, mostly because of _the Great Fire_ , which happened in _1666_. Besides, , the 13 religious houses in London were _either converted for private use or pulled down for building materials_ after the Dissolution of the monasteries, which was _a measure of Henry VIII to control the church's power, because he felt they had too much _.
Apart from that, the theatres were banned from the city by _the city authorities_ because _they thought they wasted workmen's time_. Then, they were built in _Southwark_, where now a reconstruction of the _Globe Theatre__ can be visited to learn about Tudor theatre.
At that time, London's financial rival was the city of _Amsterdam_, and to be able to compete with it , the _Royal Exchange_ was created in 1560.
So, all in all, and because of many other events and facts, we can say that both London and England were _powerful_.
1.Write a list of the most oustanding buildings in Tudor London.
If you need any help, try the next websites.
2. Now that you already know which these buildings were, identify them in the map that you will find in the next website.
Print it and then write the names of the buildings .
3. Why were these buildings famous ?
Write a brief account of the most impostant events which took place in each one of them.